Designation of Origin

Federacao Logo
Coffee Grown
With Attitude®

Maria Aparecida Fernandes Pires Ruiz

Farm facts

Name: Nossa Senhora Aparecida
Municipality: Coromandel / Minas Gerais
Average altitude: 1172.5 meters
Average temperature: 23 ºC


Cupping characteristics

Cup score: 87
Imagem do Gráfico Sensorial

Production characteristics

Bags: 5.00/ kg
Coffee variety: Catigua vermelho
Processing: Natural
Average altitude: 1172.5 meters
Harvest: 2023/2024
Warehouse: Expocaccer Cooperativa dos Cafeicultores do Cerrado

About Cerrado Mineiro Region

Designation of Origin

The Cerrado Mineiro Region is a world recognized high quality coffee producing origin - the first “Designation of Origin” in Brazil, located in northwest of Minas Gerais State.

Having well-defined seasons - a hot, wet summer and a pleasantly dry winter - is a strong characteristic of the region. The coffee plantations are cultivated in areas with altitudes varying between 800 and 1,300 meters, the result being high quality coffees with a unique identity.

The coffees are “Origin and Quality Guareanteed” by the Cerrado Mineiro Region - D.O. Regulatory Board.


Our official production process

The Designation of Origin oficial production process emphasizes and values the characteristics of our terroir. Only coffees grown inside the officially delimited area and that followed the rules of the production process defined by our Regulatory Board may have the Cerrado Mineiro Region - D.O. assured by the Guaranteed Origin and Quality Seal.

Producing farms must be located within the Designation of Origin delimited area;

Minimum altitude of 800 meters, reaching up to 1,300 meters;

Coffea arabica is the official specie;

Minimum quality of 80pts based on SCAA* methodology;

The use of good practices and respect to Brazilian laws;

Coffee lots must be warehoused only in the accredited cooperatives;

Only the official coffee bag, identified with the Guaranteed Origin and Quality Seal., must be used.